In 1969, our 7 founding members pledged to support 15 students a year. Since then, TEF's impact grew significantly. This year our scholarship program has reached 2,250 students with a budget of $374,000.
Our partner organizations search and identify students in need and send their bio to TEF. The Board approves the students based on need and merit basis and fund their scholarships. Our partners provide us an annual report on our students' academic successes. TEF Board and volunteers visit the partner organizations time to time to better understand the challenges our students are facing and their emergency needs.
TEF is an all volunteer organization. The TEF Board, Youth Leaders and volunteers do not receive compensation for their work. Therefore we are able to keep our operational costs below 2% of our educational programs in Turkey TEF’s operational transparency is awarded with a Silver Seal from GuideStar. Please review our most recent Financial Reports , our GuideStar portfolio, and consider joining TEF